What is Speech Therapy

Speech-language therapy addresses a variety of areas including speech (pronunciation), language (understanding and using), cognition (thinking, organization, executive functioning), processing, social skills, stuttering, voice, nutrition intake/ feeding, alternative forms of communication, reading skills, narrative language (story telling), written language, and self-confidence.

  • Does your child have difficulty with one or more of the following?

    Limited vocabulary for age, limited verbal requests for wants and needs

    Delayed or absence of communication, verbal or nonverbal

    problem with pronouncing sounds for speech and is difficult to understand

    Difficulty following directions or simple commands

    limited basic social communication skills (yes, no) not responding to name, hand flapping, and sensory issues

    Eating or swallowing issues

  • What are the benefits of speech therapy?

    Increase independence

    Improve ability to express and comprehend ideas, thoughts, and feelings

    Prepare your child for school

    Enhance vocal quality

    Develop early language skills

    Improve self-esteem

    Better chewing and swallowing functions

    Improve the quality of life

  • We help individuals who have:

    Speech and Language Delay

    Feeding Aversion / Disorders

    Swallowing Disorders


    Social Communication Disorders

    Cognitive/Executive Functioning Deficits

    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, or AD/HD

    Voice Disorders

    Auditory Processing Disorders


    Childhood Apraxia

    Cerebral Palsy

    Down Syndrome

    Oral Motor Dysfunction


    Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

    Tongue Thrust

Where does my journey begin?

Maybe your child’s doctor or teacher has referred you to a Speech Therapist for your child to improve skills or manage a delay. The first step is to get an evaluation and set goals.

You will meet with your therapist and address your concerns, review your child’s medical history, and fill out a sensory profile and intake paperwork.

The therapist will conduct an evaluation with you and your child to develop short and long-term goals and set a plan to achieve them. The therapist will recommend a schedule based on the best interest of your child, amount of time per session and number of sessions per week will be based on what your child needs to thrive. 30-minute or 1-hour sessions based on your child's attention span and stamina.

Evaluations are performed every six months to ensure that your child’s goals and plan of care are on the correct trajectory.